Friday, September 26, 2008

Taiwan Day 2 - Part 2

So after resting for a bit we met up with mom. She's really into miniature things and wanted to take us to the Taipei Miniature Mueseum. Here are a bunch of pics.

When Daph turned the corner of one part of the museum, her face lit up! Here's what she saw. It was an exhibit dedicated to Hello Kitty. I only took a few pics but Daph took a bunch.

I'm not sure if you can see it too well but there's a little picture of hello kitty in this paperweight ring.

After the museum, mom took us to a really cool night market. We ate some crazy stuff. I didn't get to take pics b/c I was way too busy eating. Daph luckily took pics of us eating chinese sausage w/ wasabi, duck tongue, rooster's comb, and unlaid chicken egg just to name a few. It was kinda different but good none the less.

Taiwan Day 2 - Part 1

Well, we're back already from our trip to Ilha Formosa (Taiwan). It was really fun out there. I tried to upload my pics everyday for everyone to see but wasn't able to. So I will be doing that here now. Here's our 2nd day in Taiwan.

The Miramar Taipei Hotel

We decided to go walking at 9am. It was so hot that Daph and I decided to rest up and get away from the heat at Barista Coffee.

This was the view from where we sat on the second floor of the coffee house. I know its really hard to see but its a Rolex store (immediate left) and an Omega store (with the red banner across the street). We went to check out the Rolex store. It was kind of odd how right when we walked in, the saleswoman was on us like white on rice!!!! She even called the other saleswomen to tell her we were on our way up to the 2nd floor. They must try really hard to get that sale. We also did some shopping at Sogo department store but to save myself a little embarrasment, I decided not to go up in there taking pictures.

On our way back to the hotel Daph and I walked back to the hotel and found this hole in the wall shop in an alley that sold roasted duck. It was really good.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Taiwan - Day 1

Well, we're here again!!! It's awesome being back here but I could really do without the friggin 90 degree heat with 100% humidity! I was sweating like I just ran a marathon! But it is really nice to get away. Today we had breakfast buffet (which was surprisingly good), got to workout at the gym, and then rested (all before 10am). Around 11am, mom picked us up and we went to the Taipei zoo. It was really nice there and completely empty. At the zoo, we took a gondola ride up the mountains to a really nice tea area. We all chilled out, talked, ate, and drank tea. It was fun. Here's some pics from today taken with my N95.

Arrival at Taipei Airport