Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mid-life Crisis!

Well, I pulled the trigger and bought a 2004 CBR1000RR last weekend. When I met the guy to test ride it, I was hella afraid though b/c I haven't ridden a bike in over 10 But I managed to get out the parking lot with no problems. The guy took really good care of it. Only thing though is it has somewhat high mileage (in my opinion)....25,000. But it's really not much on a Honda engine. Rode it home and felt good to ride again. I couldn't believe the power and technology difference between my old FZR and this one. Here are some pics of it from the previous seller.


ItCrashed said...

haha! thats sweet! congrats and be safe!

Dave said...

Thanks Rex, I'll definitely ride as safe as possible.

seb said...

damn nice Dave!

daphne said...

yay hon! grats!!! i know you've been wanting one for a long while now :)

Unknown said...

Cool MotorBike Dee!!
Ride Safe mang!

Dave said...

Thanks guys. Every spring I always get the itch to ride. Finally gave in this spring!